My name is Richard Hong and I am a junior web developer located in the San Francisco Bay Area. I am originally from Grand Rapids, Michigan and have been living in California since 2009. I have always had a strong interest in tech ever since I was little kid learning DOS commands to play video games on my older brother’s computer. I love building things and I have always thought of myself as an engineer while I was growing up. I am the designated family “IT guy” who fixed everyone’s computer and tech problems. I loved tech so much that I started as a Computer Science major when I was first enrolled in to college. But Life is full of its cruel twists and after a rough freshman year, I changed my major and university, studied my ass off, and I became a Pharmacist.

      I know what you may be thinking? Hey that’s a great career that pays extremely well, why would you want to do something else? I did well in health care, had several great experiences, met some awesome colleagues, but I just don’t have my heart in it. I don’t have the same excitement learning about a new oncology drug hitting the market as I do when I see new VR hardware being released. I am constantly evolving as a person and I love that I am able to take huge risks on myself. I have never felt that I am starting over, but taking the next step in my life. All the experience and work I’ve done until this day has been worth it and I wouldn’t change my life choices for anything different.

      I am currently enrolled at Telegraph Academy in Berkeley, where I will start my 12 week immersive program in a couple weeks. I am absolutely excited and look forward to be able to create meaningful apps and dynamic websites. I completely stand behind Telegraph Academy’s mission to promote under-represented minorities in tech and hope that I can inherit and pass on those values to my future career.

      I will try to keep this blog up to date as I continue to learn the wonderful world of software engineering. It truly is remarkable to see how quickly you can learn something you are passionate about and putting your thoughts into words really solidifies your knowledge on the topic. Thank you for reading.